
Years Experience
Doctors Institute Of Medical Sciences

Redefining Medical

Doctors Institute Of Medical Sciences is the leading institute in medical education in pakistan serving from last 17 years.Doctors institute provides exceptional and extraordinary coaching for concept and examination oriented preparation of USMLE, PLAB, AMC, FCPS, MRCP, MRCOG, MOH, SLE, MCCE, PMDC & MBBS professionals.doctors institute of medical sciences is established by DR ABBAS (M.D) USA & DR AHMAD FRCP (Edin), MRCP ( U.K ) (FCPS ) after years of teaching experience on 7th september 2007 in lahore pakistan.In pursuit of excellence so far more than 12000 doctors from this prestigious institute have achieved success in above mentioned examinations and serving in pakistan and all across the globe.

Faculty Members

Dr Abbas is a renowned facilitator of medical education in Pakistan with the teaching experience of fifteen years. Dr Ahmad is well known for his highly skilled teaching in all clinical sciences like Medicine , Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, ENT,Pediatrics & Dermatology.

Make Appointment

Dr Abbas


Dr Ahmad

Chief Executive

Our Courses

Doctors' Institute of medical sciences offers concept and examination oriented preparation of following courses

Doctor Institute Of Medical Sciences

Our Facilities

Doctors institute of medical sciences also provides following exceptional facilities

Multimedia Facility

If you want to complete your respective course in short duration. you can do it on multimedia high quality dvd`s of our pre-recorded lectures.

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Career Counseling

If u are not sure after graduation for which exam.You should prepare accordin to your circumstance insitute provides special career counselling.

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Qarze Hasna

Doctor institute of medical science is providing financial assistance to doctor in achieving their dreams for last many year and other can keep on benefiting.

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Our Students Reviews



  • Always Book any hostel for one month, if you feel settled then extend your stay.
  • Always commute from hostel to academy in a group.
  • Don't walk alone on road to avoid any snatching.
  • Avoid carrying any expensive belongings on road and even having them in hotel.
  • Doctors Institute doesn't hold any association with any hostel.
  • Institute only recommends hostels on basis of regular surveys from doctors residing in them.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are late, still you are most welcome to join in, Lectures you miss will be separately arranged for you.